Robert Donovan
The Start
Twenty years ago, I hung up my marathon shoes
and began a love affair with cycling. Individual
rides progressed to group rides, racing and
more serious competitions. I am what you
call a “fast-twitch muscle fiber guy,” which
means I can sprint. In fact, I have a world-class
sprint, which is both a blessing and a curse. As
I progressed through the cycling categories,
the better I got, the worse my results were. I
reevaluated and ultimately realized the race
was with myself. Now, even more than racing, I
enjoy other bicycle experiences – partaking in
nature, friendship and relationships.

Competitive Nature
Cycling is one of my hobbies where my competitive nature
shines. Yes, the miles and hours of preparation are allconsuming. However, if I want it, nothing stops me, and I
apply that drive to this sport. Thanks to that motivation, I
have trained and competed with the best.
All One Needs
All one needs to get started in cycling are good
lungs, good legs and good wheels. Balance is
out the window with this sport, and you may
not be great when you start. Yet in the solitude
of the road comes the strength and character
from within that you did not know you had, the
ability to persevere and dig deep to find inner
strength. Damn you, cycling — I love you.